Walk Like a Hebrew
Welcome to Walk Like a Hebrew, the podcast in which we talk with Torah-pursuant Christians from all over about how on earth they got from THERE - wherever that was - to HERE - walking out a life that combines faith in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah with an emphasis on being set-apart by keeping the Torah of YHVH (God). Torah, commonly translated as "Law," literally means "instructions" in Hebrew. We live by 1 John 2:6, "Whoever claims to abide in Him must walk as Jesus walked." We eat Biblically clean as He did, we observe the Seventh-Day Sabbath and celebrate the Biblical feasts just as He did. How do YOU walk out your faith? Do you walk like an Egyptian? A Babylonian? Like the world? Or like the One who died for you? Let's talk about it!
Podcasting since 2020 • 77 episodes
Walk Like a Hebrew
Latest Episodes
Rico Cortes - Why Should a Modern Believer Study the Temple? WLAH Episode 41
In 2022, during the Feast of Matzot (Unleavened Bread) at Safe Haven Farm in Orosi, CA, I sat down with Rico Cortes of Wisdom In Torah Ministries and asked him one compelling question: Why should a moder...
Season 4
Episode 41
The Sabbath Day -- Why? How? Should We? WLAH Ep. 40
This is episode 40, the kickoff to Season 4, and I’m doing something a little different this season. There are some great topics and interviews on deck, I can’t wait! I WILL still be sitting down with people and collecting their stories of h...
Season 4
Episode 40
Mindy Seta of Messianic Dance Camps International - WLAH Ep. 39
There are a couple of really big things in this interview that I’m happy to be able to talk about. First, Mindy is Jewish and grew up in a Jewish household, and she tells the story of how she actually came to faith in Jesus as a young wife. Und...
Season 3
Episode 39
A Walk of Obedience; or, We Thought We Were in Rebellion - WLAH Ep. 38 John and Karen Kubes
In John 14:15 we read, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” What does it mean to be obedient to God? How do we decide if we even SHOULD obey, especially in the face of the idea that we cannot earn our salvation, and that obedience is equival...
Season 3
Episode 38
No Compromises -- WLAH Ep. 37: Jamal and Angela Sampson & Austin and Susy Sanford
Episode 37 is a little different from the usual format. During Sukkot this year, at Safe Haven Farm in Orosi, CA, I was introduced to two delightful couples who sat down to share with me as a group. So we’ll hear from retired NBA player Jamal S...
Season 3
Episode 37