Walk Like a Hebrew

Mindy Seta of Messianic Dance Camps International - WLAH Ep. 39

Jodi/Mindy Seta Season 3 Episode 39

There are a couple of really big things in this interview that I’m happy to be able to talk about. First, Mindy is Jewish and grew up in a Jewish household, and she tells the story of how she actually came to faith in Jesus as a young wife. Understanding how Jewish people are taught from birth to reject Yeshua as Messiah makes it that much more exciting when a Jewish person realizes they’ve been taught in error. It’s like those of us who grew up in mainstream Christian homes are taught that God’s Law is no longer applicable to our lives. It looks like we are seeing in our times a great meeting between the two religions, a shaking off of the untruths and a putting on of the truths of Yahweh. 

The second big thing in this interview with Mindy is talking about dancing. It’s a form of worship that can be… off-putting to those of us who grew up in some of the stricter denominations of Christianity (you know, don’t dance, don’t drink, don’t chew…and don’t associate with those who do…that was the stance of the denomination I grew up in). IS worship dancing ok? Why would we do it? What’s the difference between singing and whole-body dance when it comes to praising Yahweh, our wonderful Creator? 

Mindy talks about learning to worship God, how the Covid crisis affected the ministry, and much much more. Be sure to check out her ministry website Messianic Dance Camps International at messianicdancecamps.com or mdci.info

Oh, and SIDE NOTE: We did this interview in a busy hotel lobby, so please ignore the elevator and people noises in the background!   

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